I've got a vlog!

Update : Many of you might have noticed I’ve never really added anything to my vlog - this is purely because I just don’t have the time to dedicate to something which may (or may not) ever gain any following πŸ˜‚

Having started to put together a few tutorials, I realised that I was forever shooting a little bit of footage on my phone, to help set the scene. 

It then occurred to me that I had, at the back of my mind, the idea to write these blog entries once my website was more 'together'.
It wasn't too much of a leap, to imagine putting together vlog entries in a similar way.

I'm fairly pleased with my first attempt ... I'll probably be amending my opening title's, as they are maybe a bit 'fit inducing' ... a chap on You Tube mentioned it was the only bit he didn't like, and he had a fair point ... think it's only me that enjoys daft video effects!

Still, it's a learning process!

This first attempt at a vlog, so its just documenting a short walk around Black-a-Tor Copse on Dartmoor, a high altitude wood, with some stunted oaks and elders.

It's a wonderfully magical place, and not too far from the real world, though I'd suggest sturdy boots, and perhaps not to take the route I did as it can be really rather boggy on a regular day.
I'm also learning how to put these things together, so production values are only "fair to middling"

Anyway, here are the results of that excursion 😍


Pretty Rose - Still Life


My YouTube Channel