Going Solo

So I've done it. I've left my employment and decided I need to make an effort to promote the one thing in life (apart from those I love) that makes me happy … my photography.

This isn't an easy choice, but the recent pandemic has not only reminded me that we are indeed corporeal, and that there isn't a second chance.

Colloquially … I'd rather look back in 20 years and say “I tried and failed” than “I wonder?”

When I started my very first job (for a bank) I was naive beyond belief, I truly considered that by working hard and committing myself to furthering my employers goals, I would be also furthering my career, and my earning potential.

Very quickly I realised that although all my colleagues (all senior to me) appreciated my work, my work ethic and general personality (shy as I was) … the person who got promoted above me was a dullard; inspid, slovenly, adequate and above all a 'yes man'.

This has become a recurring motif in my life …

Personally I think you can extrapolate from this microcosm, and conclude exactly why the world is run for profit by idiots, but that might be a discussion for another day!

Nobody has the right to belittle another's effort's based upon their inability to know the right people, or have the financial wherewithal to accomplish their dreams.

Society is unfair, and that's unfortunately unlikely to change soon, but if we all took some time to acknowledge the advantages we might have over others, rather than attempting to laud it over them, the world would be a better place.

For everybody.

At this point I should thank my parents, without whom, I'm fairly sure, I would be living in a ditch somewhere. 

I've worked with people who would never, ever, have been given their position in the 'real world'

I've worked with as many people who (with no formal education, and even less in the bank) could easily, and with the freely given support of all those 'beneath' them, run anything.

I've no idea if I can make it as a photographer, but I'm going to give it my best shot (regardless of the obstacles).

If you aren't a fan of my attitude, or aren’t willing to look past my politics, and ‘see’ my work, then I expect we'll not be doing business.


I look forward to making a great number of new friends.

Nobody is perfect, and we learn new things day by day.

Maybe we can learn them together.


My YouTube Channel