Not going to lie, I don’t want to take photographs of your crappy products or your tedious service!

You can obviously do the job yourself well enough with your phone and a ring light from Amazon or use Fiverr or get a load of keen types to pay to bid on the chance of doing your mind numbingly dull job through Bark 😂

If you like my style and you don’t mind spending some cash on a service that’s provided by a real person, who enjoys photography and will create something that might actually benefit your business, then see if you can convince me to work for you 🤣

Happy to help anybody who doesn’t think that their photographer isn’t just somebody to schmooze until you’ve got their photographs and can use them willy-nilly without crediting them (even when that was the agreement) 🤣

There’s loads of apps now that help you shoot product photographs, I suggest you look for one of those!

