
If I’m honest, all my work is experimental, anybody who tells you they have nothing else to learn is a liar, or in the least rather naïve 😁

I grew up when there was only film and I learnt photography in a darkroom and with cheap and cheerful equipment. I still use old film camera lenses today and although my equipment might be a little more expensive than previously, it’s still not even close to top end. Photography is both art and science, but without the art the science is rather reductant. You can create works of beauty with a £75 camera and a £22 CCTV lens 😍

I still shoot and develop my own film and I love finding new lenses to try on my camera … I’ve even been known to hot glue a lens to an adapter 😁

Being creative doesn’t mean having to have the perfect tools, it means having the initiative to be innovative 😍

Open Minded and willing to learn


Landscapes & Trees

