“Our Dartmoor” - Issue One (online version)

Well, here it is, your online version of “Our Dartmoor” - the one you’ve been waiting, for; you know; the free one🤣

The one you don’t get to physically touch, but yet, you still deserve it, because; why shouldn’t you?; you work really hard and stuff on the internet should be free and you should be able to criticise it mercilessly without fear of repercussions because that makes you such a wonderful human being and totally worthy of a major chufty badge 😂

It’s not like things like this take hours of work, and thought and organising, your own blatant and enormous talent means you could definitely do way better, if only you had the time in between raising children really well, demonstrating your importance to your work subordinates, or generally explaining to all the stupid people how simple it is to solve the economic crisis.

One day, all these things will be done by AI, and they’ll obviously be amazing. 🤣

In the meantime, here is my small attempt to give real people the chance to have their say about somewhere we all hold dear, yes it’s flawed, and yes it could probably have done with a little more consideration however hopefully it will eventually become that which I dreamed it would.

That requires you.

I’m really keen to get all types of people involved in the next issue - please get in touch, or share this with those you think might be interested.

I’m not looking for anything in particular - I just want personal.

It can be about what you do, or why you create, or just how you feel.

Ordinary people - walkers, artists, poets, farmers, tinkers, tailors, soldiers, spies … all are welcome.

Read more about the first issue and what I hope it can achieve in this Previous Blog Post

Message me if you’d like one of the few physical copies that are left 😍


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